30美食无国界 品位无限 打开味蕾的初次感觉,在王子扒房,就像打一场高尔夫的畅快。 在这里,有南北盛宴的豪爽、有普罗旺斯美食的雅致、有恬淡清爽的日本和食,更有香气扑鼻的东南亚风味,融汇世界美食的顶级口味,更有时尚前卫的室内设计,让您充分领略王子扒房“食”文化的非凡,全球商务网上沟通,随时把握无限商机。 来王子扒房的客人,是真正懂得享受生活的人,穿纯棉质的贴身衣服,在唇边滴落手工玻璃杯中的猩红美酒,舌间滚动着不舍下咽的饕餮之食,耳边浮现出一句经典的话:“生命,就该浪费在美好的事物上……” 27席尊贵爵位,静待贵胃收藏家,涵养圆融人生的从容与享受,仅在本溪王子扒房。 The same fine cuisine can be accepted in different countries. The seeking for the better grade is endless. Eating at the Prince Steak Food for the first time will bring you coziness of appetite, just as you have completed a match of golf. You can enjoy the expansive Northern and Southern cuisine from China, the graceful cuisine from Provence, France and the fresh Eastern Food from Japan and the delicious cuisine from Southeast of Asia at the Prince Steak Food. Here integrates the top-ranked flavor around the world and shows the latest fashionable design indoor. You can appreciate the unique characteristics of “cuisine culture”of Prince Steak Food. The global business network makes you grasp the immense business opportunity. The visitors coming here know the real meaning of life. Being in pure cotton clothes, dipping the lip with red wine, keeping the delicious food in mouth however hating to swallow, just at this time a classical sentence sounds, “Life, it should be wasted on the great thing......”. 27 worshipful seats are prepared for the epicures. Only in Prince Steak Food of Benxi can you enjoy the real life.

  • (0414)3841888

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